When purchasing an anti-dandruff shampoo, you will come across several options. Don’t just pick up any type of anti-dandruff shampoo, as it won’t be as effective as it should be. Depending upon the type of scalp or disease you have a product should be selected, such as having oily or dry scalp, or a disease such as psoriasis, Malassezia, eczema, etc. Along with this do look out for the active ingredients as that would differ based on the type of dandruff a person has.

Salicylic Acid:

This acid works as an exfoliating scrubbing agent, which eliminates flakes. Although this may further cause dryness in the scalp, so for oily scalp this could work well. But you can use this along with a good conditioner to moisturize the scalp.

Coal Tar:

If one has oily hair or scalp, then this could be helpful. However, it won’t slower the appearance but is a good natural form of anti-fungal ingredient. Be careful to not use it on colored or treated hair.


Ketoconazole is one of the most powerful, synthetic, and effective anti-fungal agent. Ketomac is one of the best ketoconazole shampoo for treating dandruff. It is used basically for the treatment as well as prevention of dandruff. It helps in treating itchiness, flakiness, dandruff, and scaling. If anyone is suffering from Malassezia, then this active ingredient can be helpful as it interferes with ergosterol synthesis, which is a major part of cell membranes of fungal, which is weakened. This ingredient helps in binding natural protein of hair as well, and is used when any other products are proven unsuccessful.

Selenium Sulphide:

This ingredient is helpful in fighting fungus. Along with that it also suppresses natural oils production from scalp glands. It is known as soothing agent. It is recommended to not use it on chemically treated hair.

Zinc Pyrithione:

This is an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal agent which prevents the reproduction of Malassezia. It helps in reduction of yeast in scalp. According to the experts, this agent isn’t as harmful as the selenium sulphide is. Having this active ingredient in the shampoo can help improve the overall health and texture of the strands. Moreover, it removes all the dead cells remains off the scalp, which further allows the hair to grow and strengthen it resulting in less hair fall.

Shop for ketoconazole anti dandruff shampoo or any other type based on the type of dandruff you have. As the shampoo for preventing or eradicating dandruff would be effective only when the active ingredient concurs with the type or cause of dandruff a person has. You can also use natural ingredients such as lemon extracts, neem, rosemary oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, apple juice, green tea, tea tree oil, and more. Such ingredients are helpful in turning the harsh shampoo milder. Thus bringing more volume and strength to hair, which eventually reduces hair fall. So next time as you choose an anti-dandruff shampoo look out for the active ingredients present in it.