The Many Symptoms Of Coeliac Disease

If a person is gluten intolerant, they suffer with coeliac disease, and therefore must avoid consuming any foods that contain wheat, rye and barley. Mild cases of gluten intolerance are very often not evident, and as the condition comes and goes, it can be difficult for a doctor to spot the symptoms. It is often the case when coeliac disease is found while looking for the cause of other conditions, and for those who think they might be gluten intolerant, here are some of the common symptoms of coeliac disease.

  • Diarrhoea – This is the most common symptom of coeliac disease and is caused by the body’s inability to fully absorb nutrients. This might be accompanied by abdominal pains, flatulence and indigestion. If you have recently been diagnosed with coeliac disease, very useful information can be found at, a popular website that also sells gluten free products at affordable prices.
  • Prolonged Bouts of Fatigue – If all the nutrients in your food are not absorbed, this can quickly lead to fatigue and general lack of energy, and this might lead to weight loss, so if you seem to have little energy and are losing weight, the time has come to see your doctor who can do some tests to determine if you are gluten intolerant. For those who are diagnosed with coeliac disease, it isn’t the end of the word, as all you need to do is avoid foods that contain gluten, and if you are unsure about that, there are many websites that list foods that are likely to contain gluten.
  • Skin Rashes – If a person is gluten intolerant, they might develop Dermatitis Herpetiformis, which causes blisters that burst when scratched. This normally manifests itself on the elbows, knees and buttocks, although it could appear on any part of the body. Approximately 1 in 5 people who contract coeliac disease will also have this skin condition.
  • Swelling of the Hands and Feet – Coeliac disease can cause swelling in the arms or legs, which is due to oedema, a build-up of fluid, and if the swelling is coupled with a feeling of tiredness, it is best to be tested for gluten intolerance.
  • Constipation – In some cases, a person who is gluten intolerant will not suffer with diarrhoea, but just the opposite. Constipation might be due to the inability of the lower intestine to work properly, and while the constipation could be caused by a number of unrelated issues, if it is accompanied by any of the other listed symptoms, it is wise to make an appointment with your GP, who can run a series of tests to determine whether or not you are gluten intolerant.

While there is no known cure for this condition, providing the sufferer avoids gluten, they can live a perfectly normal life, and with a large online community, you will soon realise that being allergic to gluten is not such a big deal.

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