Legionnaires’ disease is a type of lung inflammation which is generally caused by the infection of the Legionella bacteria. And one of the main ways these bacteria affect human beings is through water. Without proper water management, your water heaters, tankers etc. might all be infected by these bacteria, which can later result in grave physical difficulties for you and your family. To help you control the Legionella bacteria in water, we list below four tips.

Temperature Regulation

Legionella thrives in warm water, specifically in conditions where the temperature of the water is between 20 and 45 degrees centigrade. As such, you should always consume water above or below this temperature range since the bacteria will either be dormant or killed off. So, for cold water, make sure that the temperature at the time of drinking the water is less than 20 degrees. And for hot water, ensure that the temperature when you drink the water is at least 50 degrees. Now, remember to never go too high since this can cause scalding. And when using water dispensing machines, it is also recommended that the cold water arrives at the tap with a temperature of 20 degrees in less than 2 minutes while hot water should ideally arrive at the tap at 50 degrees in just about a minute.

Shower Maintenance

When installing showers, you must ensure that they will be used frequently.  If they will only be used once in a week or so, then there is a good chance that growth of Legionella will be in an overdrive. As such, it becomes necessary to flush water through them on a daily basis. In addition, it is also recommended that shower heads be dismantled and cleaned at least once every 3 months to keep it in good condition and to control any growth of Legionella.

Test Water Samples

It is also necessary that you collect samples from the water source and get it tested to see whether there is a presence of Legionella or not. This has to be done on a yearly basis. Failure to comply with such requirements can also result in prosecution. So, be sure that you never miss out on testing a few samples of your water source.

Check Stagnant Water

If there is a water dispensing machine where the water has been stagnant for many hours, with its temperatures hovering above 20-degree centigrade, then there is a good chance that Legionella growth will occur. This can also happen in case you store water in special tanks. As such, it is important to ensure that water tanks are cleaned on a regular basis. In addition, you should also check hot water cylinders for any sign of debris or corrosion.

Be sure to follow the above suggestions and you will surely be able to control the growth of Legionella to a good extent. And if you need help with testing the water in your home, check out the website at https://www.aquacert.co.uk/care-home-legionella-testing-kits and use their testing kits.