Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins near your skin surface. Generally, they occur in ankles or legs. They are caused by weakened walls or valves in the veins or veins may get inflamed. Both the varicose and spider veins are not insecure. Treatments like surgery, radio frequency, laser or other technology is important in several situations. This is because veins cause such problems that are not improved with non-interventional therapy. You may search for varicose veins treatment on the Internet to get effective information on this.

Veins and their Function

Veins include blood vessels that help blood flow from all the organs of the body towards the heart. Oxygen is absorbed by the several organs and used to accomplish their functions. They discharge the used blood that contains waste stuffs like carbon dioxide in the veins. After this, blood is carried to the heart and thereafter reaches the lungs. Waste stuffs are released here and more oxygen is included in the blood and is reached to the several parts of the body with the help of arteries.

Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

Veins can swell with blood pool while they cannot circulate the blood appropriately. These bulging and visible veins are known as varicose veins. These can grow any place in the body but generally it occurs in thighs and legs. Big varicose veins can be noticed and can be felt by touching. It is more than 4 millimetres in diameters. By searching on Internet, you may get necessary information about varicose veins treatment.

Tiny spider veins may also appear on the surface of the skin. This may appear as fine and little lines, web-like maze, etc. Generally, they are not clear. Spider veins occur commonly in ankles, feet and thighs. Sometimes it may appear on the face and the medical term for it is telangiectasias.

Heredity is a Risk Factor

Many factors may lead to varicose vein. It belongs to genetic issue. More than 70% to 80% of patients with this problem are having family heredity. Other risk issues may be aging, obesity and pregnancy of women since it needs to produce more blood at these time.

Lots of Treatment Choices

Once, varicose veins were surgically removed after local or general anaesthesia. Latest non-surgical treatments become more popular. There are some technical differences between old and new methods of varicose veins treatment. In general, all of them are important to close the diseased and abnormal veins that cause the trouble.

Heat-oriented treatments include either radiofrequency methods or laser energy. These are used to finish or seal off the veins that will gradually dissolve into the body. The current method involves medicated glue for affected veins. It does not need lots of medicines to numb the area. Generally, compression is not required after the operation for most patients.

Varicose veins occur due to bulged or enlarged veins. You may search for the appropriate treatment to handle the problem carefully. Generally this problem is not dangerous but may lead to some other problems.